Serenity Tours India

First -hand. Bioshock Infinite

Hot New York evening. The sun sprisens no weaker than in Moscow, but before the main entrance of the Plaza Hotel, a small crowd gathered right across the road from the central park. Inside, Senator Charles Rengl celebrates his birthday, and his supporters and opponents shouting out each other (Charles recently convicted in fraud with […]

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Guide and passage by Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate

Scientist. Announstate, how many appraisers in your city pawnshop? Announstate. Many. Scientist. And they are all former cannibals? Announstate. Almost everything. E. Schwartz, "Shadow" Meager equipment, some combat experience behind the shoulders, a ticket to the third-class cabin to Westgate. In a duffel bag – an enchanted mask that saturates nightmarish dreams. Here, in WestGate, […]

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